There are two kind of people, one who Eat To Live and other who Live To Eat. I belong to the second category.
For me good food is as important as breathing. I need at least one dish in a day which makes me happy, otherwise I am not too fussy ;)
Good food resembles good living. It is one of the best ways to pleasure your senses.
I used to love cooking but over the past few years I could not devote time towards it since was mostly occupied with work. But now cooking is my new Love :)
Honestly I don't like cooking on a daily basis like a routine cause I shrug routine and monotony. For me cooking is more like an art, where you completely soak yourself in the rich aromas of spices and flavors. It is one of the best ways to de-stress yourself and is very therapeutic. What can be more fun when you create and relish something yummy!!! After all good food is the best remedy for a lot of things! When your happy, celebrate with good food. When your sad, cheer up with good food.
Kindly note I am a vegetarian and a teetotaler so the recipes posted on this site will be vegetarian too. But then there are countless ways of cooking up the veggies cause Innovation has no Limitation :)
So come join me and be a part of this yummy journey.
Email me at savskitchen@gmail.com
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