Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Coffee Banana Smoothie by Saveen Kaur

So so yummy!

Hey lovelies so I had made this Smoothie on Monday, it turned out so good that I thought of sharing it with you all!

I had this one hour before my workout, since it was strength training day so thought of having it before instead of having lunch!

Ingredients  - 

1 Glass Milk

1 Banana

1 tsp Coffee Powder 

1 tsp Flax Seeds

1 tsp Almonds

1 tsp Sunflower Seeds

1 tsp Pumpkin Seeds

1/2 tsp Cinnamon Powder

7-8 Dried Cranberries

Method - 

Blend in all the above ingredients together!

Pour it in a glass, garnish with some almond flakes and relish it!

Hope you lovelies like it :)

Happy Cooking Happy Relishing 😊

Love 💕

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